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First Responders Are Key To Stopping and Preventing Child Abuse
Training held in Proviso Township

HILLSIDE, Illinois – Over 30 first responders from the western Cook County suburbs gathered on Thursday at the Proviso Township municipal building to learn how to best investigate, stop, and prevent child abuse. The training was held by the Proviso Children’s Advocacy Center (PCAC) which has been a recipient of Proviso Township Mental Health Commission grant dollars for 32 years.
“We are so grateful to have the PCAC in our community making sure that our most vulnerable children do not fall through the cracks but instead can receive the counseling, treatment, and healing that they deserve and need after experiencing traumatic abuse,” said Proviso Township Mental Health Commission President Mike Corrigan. Attendees came from police and fire departments throughout the Cook County Fourth Municipal District and received training on a variety of topics, including the child physical abuse specialized medical exam, digital safety for kids, vicarious trauma and self-care for the helping professional and more. The training was presented by the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) and the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. “Our first responders are critical for helping to identify and stop child abuse,” said Corrigan. “We’re proud to host this workshop to make sure that everyone involved knows the latest protocol and what kind of supports are available to the community and to officers.” If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, reach out to Proviso Township Mental Health Commission at (708) 234-TALK(8255) for more information.

PTMHC President Mike Corrigan speaks to first responders during a training held by the Proviso Children’s Advocacy Center